
Sunday, June 29, 2008

Been a while 

It's been a while since I've posted to this blog but I think I want to start again.

Since 2006, MTI has gone through a number of changes (sales managers coming in and leaving, developers leaving, resources changing) and we're still moving forward, slowly but surely.

All of the work involved in the SQL product really has to be pushed by new sales (part of my pay is based on SQL implementations) but if no new sales are being made, then where does that leave the product?

Todd and I are doing SQL consolidation so that both the DBF and SQL product will share similar features. But meanwhile our new dev manager (who has now become General Manager - shades of 2002 where that happened as well) is trying to focus on the DotNet product (NetTrac is very cool although it still isn't where I think it needs to be) but as with most things at MTI, current customers still take priority.

We definitely removed NetSuite back in mid 2006 (after 30K but a terrible implementation, where do you go?) and even started to use Bugzilla for some things. MS CRM was being used for Sales but that was painful for remote users. Thankfully Todd and I started using Track again for issue management in 2007 and finally got everyone back over to it for handling calls. That's made a world of difference (at least in my mind). Track is pretty much home-grown now, even though it started off as the product from Soffront. My web version of it is still in ASP, but it works well enough.

And wouldn't you know it? We're trying to get handle on how many servers are in the office. (there are way too many for a company of MTI's size).

This information is not the official position of MTI or Melton Technologies or its affiliates.

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