
Friday, November 19, 2004

Learning about PeopleNet in Horizon 

After a good hour and a half, Todd's up to speed on about half of what the PeopleNet integration with Horizon can do.
Honestly, we went through about half an hour of how Peoplenet works and then I found a great picture that really helped illustrate it. Thank goodness for Webex that let me record the session while sharing it.
Next, we'll get to discuss PACOS - but during the "meeting", I found that what I really needed was a GRAPHICAL depiction of the process flow of the diagram.
The issue? Well , it's a prototype so a lot of it was done very quickly while we were coming up with ideas as to how to best implement it. Even so, now I'm tossed as to what tool I'm going to use to build the graphical picture of it.
Sure, Visio has some great diagramming features but MindManager makes it easier to write it out.
I think in the end, I'll use Visio because I can programmatically control it. Then again, MindManager supports an XML import which might be an even easier approach.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Shipment Central No Longer 

As from an email from Roy to Scott:
From: Scott Gresham [mailto:sgresham@meltech.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2004 9:56 AM
To: Andrew (mtihorizon)
Subject: RE: Tracking PODs online

Roy and I discussed this and he indicated that we do not offer shipment central any longer. 
I am now removing all older pages from the web site that related to shipment central.

Monday, November 15, 2004

Summary of November 8th 

Total Email Conversations: 37

ON Time Report
with Susan E Johnson
Doug Ostrowski
Summary:  Evans needed report customization and they have been using the Report Writer fairly heavily. Susan had a rough time getting them to import the file. I found out why when I connected in: they were using the different preference sets for everything so they reports all over the place. Anyways, it's been corrected now but there's still lots of stuff in there.
Problem with parts transaction!
with Hallstrand, Jerry
Summary: Jerry's reported an issue where the new VME Library isn't supporting the Parts Markup feature. This is being looked into.
with Bob Hogan, Roy Jennings, Melody Latimer, Susan E Johnson and Chuck
Summary:  There were tons of emails going back and forth on Tidewater this week - unfortunately, support and development need to realize that the only time people see the status of calls is in the morning with the Daily Call Stats UNLESS someone actually talks and relays an issue. One major issue is left outstanding and that is deciding who is going to make changes in TIDEPNET.
Exchange Server
with Roy Jennings, Bob Hogan
Summary: I tried to see if I could use the IMAP setting for MTI Horizon. Result? Not really - I need to see if we can use the email aliases and that way, possibly reduce our annual cost for ListBuilder which seems to be getting rejected by more and more servers as spam.
Comments on Procedure 410 and Tracer
support@mtihorizon.com, Dale White, Susan E Johnson
Received an interesting comment from a user on Tracer.

My question is, Is that all you can do with a tracer. Souldn't there be a way that when you trace the shipment you can view the actuall shipment information all the way from booking to billing. This should also include buttons to click and view and imaged DR or BOL or even an invoice, since a customer calling in with a Proof of Delivery request will want a copy of that DR sent to them. Just some questions.

Susan's added it into Track because it's certainly a good idea.

Update for Call 32475-PEOPLENET NOT GOING
with Rich Bundschuh II
Summary: The big problem here is that some of the settings weren't right. For some reason Circle of Service didn't like the CKDATE entry in QIEXPORT so I changed it to DATE and everything started going through properly again. Still waiting for a follow-up from Rich.
Morton Motor
with Melody Latimer, Bob Hogan, Dale White, Susan E Johnson, Todd Stubbert, Andrew MacNeill
Summary: Getting further into the Morton Motor implementation. They are using the new SMC Rating implementation that uses the Rating object.
Fanelli - validations
with Melody Latimer, Dale White, Susan E Johnson, Chuck Melton
Summary: Helped identify a possible solution for Fanelli where dispatchers were putting in incorrect city names. The solution: don't let a shipment be booked if it doesn't have miles on it.
Bunch VME Implementation
with Melody Latimer, Susan E Johnson
Summary: Started discussion on how we're going to move Bunch's VME data over. They've zipped up the files and are looking for a december 1 implementation. Put into Track as call 32734.
Demo - Salem Logistics, Inc.
with Scott Gresham, Melody Latimer
Summary:  Had a demo with Salem Logistics on Thursday in which we went through a series of overviews of the product. Interestingly enough, one of the key issues was the desire for a SQL Server back end which we deflected somewhat with the 18 month discussion.
MSN numbers at Tidewater
with Bob Hogan, Roy Jennings, Andrew MacNeill
Summary: Part of the Tidewater issue where messages weren't going through properly. Although Roy noted some discrepancies in the QIEXPORT.TXT file that don't look like Qualcomm entries, they DO get processed correctly. As it turned out, the problem was with the MSXML file that was registered on Tidewater's computer that was running MSGMON.
Red alerts
with Susan E Johnson, Andrew MacNeill
Summary: Evans was looking for some support on their Customizer settings and asked Susan to review it. This relates back to one of the open issues we have about needing an easy way to see the entire Customizer expression.
OK customer
with Melody Latimer, Andrew MacNeill
Summary: Discussion with Melody about preparation for a demo with a PeopleNet prospect on Nov 17th at 4:30 EST.
Parks Driver Planner
with Susan E Johnson, Andrew MacNeill
Summary: Susan was going through some of the updates to the Driver Planner tool. She's recorded the support session so I can see exactly what's going on and how we can resolve it.
MTI and PNet
with Melody Latimer, Roy Jennings, Susan E Johnson
Summary: Waccamaw has switched over to PeopleNet so some basic discussion ensued about where they were in the process. I need to get the Delivery Tickets completed for them. - 32367
Custom report for George H. Ratchford
with Susan E Johnson
Summary: Discussions on whether we should be building custom reports for ACCPAC as well as Horizon.
Custom rating Scheme for Tanker
with Kim Tucker
Andrew MacNeill
Summary:  Had a meeting with Kim in which I showed her the new Rating scheme for them. She liked it and is now getting her rates all set up so we can get it implemented at Tidewater.
Mid Way
with Randy Boyles, Andrew MacNeill
Summary: Randy and I are going to be meeting with Doug about what changes he wants in his PeopleNet assignment messages. This is so that his drivers don't have to look at the details they currently see. This will require some customization.
Melton Technologies
with Melody Latimer
Summary: Suggested we start sending out the MTI Catalog PDF to customers who want more information. This 20 page document highlights our strengths really well.
Asset Report Cards
with Melody Latimer
Summary: Melody sent out some prototypes of the Asset Report Card feature we're looking at adding to ExecView. Like the
What do i need to do re: regloads report
with Susan E Johnson, Andrew MacNeill
Summary: Worked with Susan on getting the REGLOADS report working properly at customer sites.
with Jimmy Starr, Andrew MacNeill
Summary:  Made a change in Jimmy's Profitability report to show the Fuel Surcharge amount. Woodfield doesn't use a special billing code for it- instead they just put in the word SURCHARGE into the Description of each line.
Dispatch Sheet for Parks
with Andrew MacNeill
Summary: Updated the Dispatch Sheet for Parks so that it could be used for Slip Seating drivers as well.
We received information on a few new lead including:
NEW LEAD - Thomson Terminals Ltd
NEW LEAD - Prouty Livestock Transportation
NEW LEAD - System Freight Inc.
NEW LEAD - Ingles Markets
NEW LEAD - Independent Drivers Inc.
Langford data
with Susan E Johnson
Summary: Converted over Langford's Customer file and Susan got it implemented. Still working on the PeachTree link.
Help with IE settings
with Susan E Johnson
Andrew MacNeill
Summary: Susan's having a LOT of problems with her Internet Connections and this is preventing her from connecting to customers.
with Kim Tucker
Andrew MacNeill
Summary:  Sent Kim the password for checking the Mark Messages as Read. See procedure 1195 for details.
Horizon Error Message at Coren
with Melody Latimer
Summary: Coren contacted us about getting their rates up to date. Melody thought about offering the new SMC Rating server but in the past, this has been offered and rejected for being too expensive.
ECM/Pitt Ohio rendidtion printing
with Andrew MacNeill
Summary: Had a discussion with Pitt Ohio about their imaging system. Sounds doable - they are to send us more details as ECM decides to move forward.
MTI Next Generation Area
with Andrew MacNeill
Summary: The Next Gen team has identified that the first area to be worked on for the next generation product is fuel tax. Next week, we'll have a clearer idea as to features

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