Friday, December 05, 2003
Tech Marketing Friday Wrap-Up
Well - everyone knows this week was FULL of discussions on strategic plans and statistics so I'll skip discussion of that. <bg>
More work was done on the new 4 Truckers Import for Aurora. They aren't quite live yet but they are really moving on this. Some background: they enter the loads into Aurora. We export them out into a file and create/update shipments and manifests for these entries. They then deliver them.
The Export is done with the new File Converter utility which allows exports from ODBC data sources.
A larger part of my week has been spent chasing issues and calls with Waccamaw (E-Notification), Wendell (Pay Generation), Mabe (Edenton) , MotorWest (Qualcomm) so I won't bore you with the details.
Melody and I did a great presentation on the Mail Carrier Solution for Rudd Transport. This won't do anything until next year (imagine mail carriers being busy at Christmastime) but this looks very promising.
Bob, Mel and I also had a really good meeting with EBE on Document Imaging. This looks very promising but the key is in how they do Rendition printing. Bob is to provide further details on their "XML" implementation. They have a lot of features that , funny, we already have (like E-Notification and E-Settlements) but obviously their solution is a little easier to manage. We need to find out about pricing from them to see if it really is comparable to Pegasus.
Another thing that Chuck had asked me to look at and has been puttering around just sparked me with an idea for better mapping analysis. I'm going to be sending out a new email on this a bit later today.
One final thing: one of the items mentioned in the Strategic Plan Wrapup discussion was to identify What we planned to do, did we do it and what we are planning to do next week. So I'll finish off with my plans for next week:
1. Close out all open calls that really shouldn't be open!
2. Set up daily emails to everyone regarding Critical calls that should be closed or looked at ASAP. (based on the discussions we've had)
3. Close off 4 trucker's Aurora Implementation
4. Get PDQ's Aether Stop Assignments going out. There's a problem there that I'm still trying to figure out.
5. Get Tidewater nicely customized for PACOS. The functionality is there but I need to have a meeting with John to get this completed.
6. Get more PACOS testing in. They are testing their solution that makes GPS Geo-fencing down to 100 feet (instead of the half mile it was previously at).
7. Get a full Tanker PeopleNet presentation that shows the units and automated macros ready. This can be used for providing to PTC and GTL among others.
I'm sure there are 100 other things I could be doing but I'm going to limit it right now to 7 so I can feel good if I get more done!<bg>
I think everyone wants to get work done on the Strategic plan so I've purposely left that off my list.
Cheers all!